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Meet Gene Hermann

Gene Hermann

Gene Hermann


Rockton township resident for more than 50 years.

Graduated from Hononegah High school and completed a series of continuing education and supervisory classes at local community colleges.

Previous work history includes;

Head of maintenance and small engine mechanic at local employers. Ground maintenance supervisor, aircraft fuel control assembler and test technician at a major aircraft supplier and repair station.

I am currently the owner-operator of a landscape construction business for over 30 years.

In everyday life, I believe people should be respectful to each other, fair and consistent when dealing with others.

As a hopeful 3rd term township trustee I would like to emphasize team work, transparency and checks and balances in all areas of the township.

I've been married to my wife Ronda for 36 years and we have one adult son, Andrew. I am also currently serving a 6 year term on another local board.


  • State Representative John Cabello
  • Winnebago County Board Member Ray Thompson
  • Rockton Village Trustee Dave Winters